Latest Dr Visit

 Well, time for me to share the latest...We got the results back from Addison's allergy test.  She has a severe allergy to milk and egg whites.  Poor baby can't have ice cream (among many other things).  Thank God she doesn't know what she's missing because if you told me I could never have ice cream again, I would cry, without a doubt!  Although I am aware this will some day be a challenge, I have no worries.  I have placed it in God's hands.  And as Adam put it, she may be better off....she can't have cake, cookies, chocolate, cheese, ice cream, butter.....all things that aren't good for anyone anyway, right?  Nonetheless, I hope that you will say a little prayer for my baby girl.  We are hoping that now that we know this, her skin will get better.  She is not allergic to breast milk.  However, the Dr said that if I had a lot of cow's milk and then gave her my milk, that she could be affected by it somewhat, possibly the reason for her sensitive skin.  So, we are now mixing her breast milk with a soy-based formula, which she is doing great with, Thank God!  We are just so thankful that we found out she had this allergy before she ever had any regular formula.  That could have been a nightmare!  At least now we know and can plan accordingly.  Just another day in the life of parenthood :)


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