Happy Birthday, Jesus!

Christmas Day was full of fun for the Beaman family!  We got up whenever our alarm (Addison) decided to go off, which was at about 7:30....that was our first present!  Thanks, Addison :)  We emptied our stockings first thing!  Here is Addison surrounded by her stocking gifts:

I gave Adam his main present early so he could use them...a new pair of waders.  He gave me my main gift on Christmas Eve, because he couldn't stand to wait another day...a flash for my camera!  EXCITING!!!!  I have a lot to learn about both my camera and my flash, but I am loving them both!!  Once we got Addison all fed and ready and all of her things and the gifts packed up (which was like 3 hours later-seriously!) we headed to Boompa's house for breakfast and gift exchange.  We had lots of fun watching each other open gifts.

 Addison was so good!  She just chilled out on the floor for a little while. 

Then she went from person to person, just visiting. It makes me so happy that everyone wants to hold her! I just love Adam's family...every single one of them!  Here she is with Uncle Danny, giving away some of her sugar:

 Grandma Jane-Jane full of smiles:

 Boompa with his 3rd great grandaughter:  Bet he's ready to see his first great grandson!  Won't be long!

Grandpa Gerald:

Jane Jane's reaction to her gift from Gerald...an iPad: 

 Megan and Addison:

Lauren got to feed her this time: 



We all got way too many gifts!  Grandma Jane Jane and Grandpa Gerald always outdo themselves!  We truly appreciate all the gifts, guys!  Thanks to everyone! 

After Boompa's, we headed to Adam's Uncle Donald's house for a YUMMY lunch of chicken and ribs with lots of sides, all cooked by Adam's dad.  I swear, he needs to open a restaurant!  Here he is with Addison:

I do believe he loves that little girl!!  :)

Sarah having fun with Addison:

Adam, me, Amy, and Chris gave Grandaddy Milton a new toolbox for his truck:

I sure hope he likes it :)  We certainly love the gracious gifts that we got from Milton, Bim, Sarah, and Amanda!  Love you guys! 


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