One Month Old!

Today Addison is one month old!  It is hard to believe that so much time has gone by already.  She is growing so fast.  In fact, she had her one month appointment today with her pediatrician and she is now 10 lbs, 7 oz. and 21 inches long.  She is in the 75th percentile for both her weight and head circumference and the 50th percentile for her length.  The Doctor said she is "growing beautifully" and ofcourse I agree :)  I had a couple of questions for the pediatrician, but she assured me that everything was normal. The only thing that needs to be addressed is a couple of spots of eczema, one on her right arm and also under her neck.  Hopefully it's nothing a little hydrocortizone won't fix.  She also had her first shot today, the first shot of the Hep B series.  She cried for about 2 seconds, but as soon as mommy picked her up she settled back down :) 

She is a little less predictable these days, especially during the day.  I never know when she's going to be hungry, but believe me...she lets me know!  It makes it a little hard to plan if I'm away from home, but afterall, I've never been much of a planner.  Ha!  She still sleeps well at night, thank God!  She usually gets up between 2:30 and 3:30 am, then around 6 or 7.  Twice she has slept 7 hours straight, but unfortunately she hasn't made a habit of that.  She drinks 3.5-4.5 ounces, usually although in the last 2 days, she has had 3 different 5 ounce bottles.

She got her first little cold about one week ago so she has had a runny nose, but thankfully she has acted just as happy as always and hasn't had a fever or anything.  The Dr checked her out today (her ears and chest, etc) and said that everything looks great, so we'll just continue to pray that her little nose clears up.  She is beginning to lose some of her hair, but so far all she has lost is some right on the top in the middle.  I think she is trying to look like her grandaddy Milton.  Ha! 

All of Addison's newborn clothes are finally too small for her to wear, although some of the 0-3 month clothes are still too big.  It's exciting that she's growing, but a little sad at the same time.  You don't even realize how much they change right before your eyes.  She has also gone from newborn diapers to size 1 diapers.  What a big girl she is getting to be!!  Here is a picture of her today at ONE MONTH OLD, just a sleeping in her carseat...

So peaceful!  And now this is what she looks like when she's hungry...
I told you she'd let you know when it's time for her to eat.  Ha!  I do love that baby!  Crocodile tears and all!


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