Getting bigger already!!

Little Miss Addison had her first Dr Appt 4 days after she was born.  At that appointment she weighed 7 lbs, 9 oz. and was 19.5 inches long.  Two weeks later (this past Friday) she had her second Dr Appt.  I knew she would be heavier because she is starting to look and feel bigger, and Lord knows she likes to eat!!  However, I was not expecting her to be 9 lbs, 6 oz and 20 inches long!  My baby is growing right before my very eyes!  She is 3 weeks old today and has already changed so much since she was born.  People are starting to say that she looks more and more like Adam.  From day 1 she hasn't looked at all like her mommy, but that's OK with me... I certainly don't mind if she looks like her daddy :)  She is just starting to get a little big for new born size clothes but not quite big enough for 0-3 month clothes yet.  She sleeps 4 hours at a time at night and takes shorter naps during the day.  She is usually awake for about 2 hours late in the morning and for about  2 hours late at night.  She is so much fun when she's awake.  She just LOVES for you to talk to her!  And she doesn't realize that I can't sing a lick, so right now, she likes that too.  She also likes to have a long as you don't try to give her one when she's always comes first for this little baby!  She typically drinks 3.5-4 ounces at night and 2.5-3.5 ounces during the day.  She also makes all kinds of noises.  She grunts and squeaks and huffs and puffs and it is SO CUTE!!  As of now she still sleeps in the bassinette beside her mommy and daddy's bed.  One of these days we'll get brave enough to put her in the crib....but not just yet :) Here is a recent picture of our sweet baby girl..


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