Spring Fever!

This weekend has given me a serious case of spring fever!  We have actually been able to go outside and it has been great!!  I took Addison for a stroll around the farm...

She loved it, but we couldn't stay out long because of the crazy wind.  We soaked up what little bit of sun we could though!  Then we headed back in the house for more play time.  Addison looked so cute in her little pirate top so I just HAD to take some pictures...
 I finally got her to hold her bottle...now she just has to learn how to "turn it up".  Ha!  Baby steps, baby steps! 
After all that playing, we had to go to town to run a couple of errands.  By the time we got back home we were both pooped.  We didn't even hear Adam come home...we were fast asleep!
I hope you all enjoyed your weekend as much as we did! 


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