Growing like a weed!

I don't quite know when or how it happened, but Addison is suddenly such a big girl!  I swear it happened over night.  Just a few days ago she was wearing 6 month clothes, but this weekend I couldn't fit a single 6 month outfit on her...sleepers, onesies, pants...they are all too short! 
But not only that, she is all of a sudden doing so many new things.  She learned how to clap and wave last Thursday night.  When I picked her up from daycare on Friday, they said she clapped and waved all day long.  She doesn't wave when you say "bye-bye", though....just when you say "hey!".  She is trying so hard to crawl.  She gets closer and closer every night.  She ends up moving backwards instead of forwards, but I think she'll figure it out soon.  Her and Griffy have really been buddies lately. 

We started taking her in places without her carseat, which makes her seem like a big girl.  I guess it's a big deal when you're used to lugging the carseat everywhere for so long and then all of a sudden you open the car door and she leans up as if to say, "get me out of this thing!".  She is so ticklish and I LOVE it!  She has been ticklish from time to time for a while now, but you can easily find her "tickle spots" now and she will laugh so hard when you tickle her!  She has also been "babbling" like crazy.  Not her normal "talk" and "squeal" we are used to, but a different "talk"....more repetitive sounds....sounds that will some day turn into "ma-ma" and "da-da"...I can hardly wait! 
And the newest thing....I stopped by daycare today on my lunch break...that was the first time I have been there and not taken her with me.  She was playing as hard as she could on the little mat with a toy and a basket....just a concentrating.  Finally she saw me and got so excited!  I talked to her for a couple of minutes then stood up to leave.  That was when she lost it.  She cried so hard when she realized I wasn't taking her with me.  Boy did that hurt my feelings!  That's the first time she's done that.  She never minds me leaving her anywhere, but I guess in her mind I was there to pick her up.  Poor baby!  If I ever have to stop by again in the middle of the day, I will have to be sneaky about it so she won't see me.  Ha! 
She likes to cut the light on when we go in her bedroom.  Our light switches are not the kind you flip, but the kind you push.  She has been doing this for a long time, but I have pretty much been putting her hand on the light switch and then she pushes.  Now she reaches for it on her own...big girl.  I saw her sitting up in her crib on the monitor this morning, but by the time I went to get her up she wasn't sitting up anymore.  Oh, and finally her feet are growing.  She is up to a whopping size 1 shoe-ha!  I think that's about it....which is enough changing and growing for one week!!! Slow down, girl!! 


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