7 Months Old!

 Our little baby girl turned 7 months old yesterday.  What a fun, exciting, tiring, rewarding, sweet, busy, scary, joyous, and awesome 7 months it has been!  Not a lot has changed since my last "update blog-growing like a weed".  She does seem to get a little bigger every day, though.  She is wearing 9 month clothes and 1-2 size shoes.  She is still wearing size 3 diapers.  She has tried lots more foods, and so far, so good!  Thank you, Jesus!  She has 4 bottles per day when she is home, but normally has 5 bottles per day on daycare days.  We stopped giving her breastmilk and her skin has been so much better ever since!  I still have a freezer full of breastmilk, but I may be able to donate it!!  I will blog about that when I find out more...I am so excited!  She is still hasn't mastered crawling.  She still loves the dogs, the bathtub, her jumper, and anything crazy.  She still loves to clap and wave.  She is getting a lot more coordinated.  She loves to hold a toy in each hand and bang them together.  She just smiles like that is so fun!  She still does a lot of babbling.  We sat her in a highchair at a restaurant after church today for the first time...

We also took her to the park for the first time because I have been dying to put her in a swing.  We didn't make it to the swing, though.  This is what she did at the park...

She napped while me and Adam did some shopping for her (the usual: formula, wipes, food, etc.).  Then we headed to Mindy's house where me, Mindy, and Michelle took some "Kearney Girls" photos of her.  Here is a sneak peak of our shoot.  I will blog more later...


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