Paper, Rock, Scissors!

So, for weeks and weeks Addison has gotten up in the morning between 6:30 and 7:30, usually right around 7:15.  Well, for the past week, she has decided that she wants to wake up around 5:00-5:30.  Lovely!  The good news is, she will play in her crib for at least 30 minutes before she starts getting bored, so we are always sure to put a stuffed animal or two in her crib with her at night for her to play with in the morning.  I think Adam and I are both pretty fair when it comes to waking up to get little butter bean ready.  Sometimes he gets up, sometimes I get up.  There are no rules or anything.  If he's gotten up the last few times, then I'll get up the next few times, and so on.  However, there are certainly times when neither of us really feels like getting up.....especially at 5:00 AM!  That's when paper, rock, scissors comes in handy.  Sometimes we can hardly even see who won because it's still dark in our room.  Yesterday was one of those days.  We were both so sleepy, but little Miss Priss was up and ready to eat and play.  So we did what all diplomatic people would do....1-2-3-shoot!  I was a rock, Adam was scissors!  Crushed him!  Thankfully I was able to go back to sleep.  Don't you go feeling sorry for him, though.  I was nice enough to be fair and get up this morning while he slept in.  That's what marriage is all about, right?  Maybe it can work for you too....whenever you and your better half can't seem to meet in the middle, you may be able to get some resolve with Paper, Rock, Scissors!  Usually works for us  :) 


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