As most of you already know, Addison has an allergy to milk and egg whites.  We have had a time with her skin for what seems like forever.  We have also had a reaction with squash.  However, I am happy to say that we have now successfully added to her diet:  carrots, sweet potatoes (her favorite), apples, sweet peas, green beans, bananas, and pears.  Yay!  And her skin is getting much better!  Thank you so much, sweet Jesus!  And this child loves to eat!  She obviously isn't crazy about the taste and/or texture of sweet peas though.  The first time she tried them she literally gagged the whole time she ate them, but she still opened her mouth for every bite.  She enjoys eating too much to turn them down!  She did better today when we fed her sweet peas for the second time but she still gagged a little...

She makes an awful face at green beans too, but they go down much quicker and easier than the sweet peas.  Everything else she has tried, she LOVES!  I think she likes her new high chair too...

We are very limited in the amount of space that we have for anything in our humble little abode so we ordered this space-saving high chair that just attaches to the end of the table.  It swivels around 360 degrees and has a little tray on top.  Love it!!   

Maybe some day Addison will outgrow her allergies.  That is certainly what we are hoping and praying for.  But for now, we are so happy that she is able to eat the things that she is! 


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