Easter Egg Hunts 3 and 4

After church in good ole Snow Hill, we went to Gama and Goppa's house for an easter egg hunt...

Hayden and Addison filling up their baskets...

Broughton getting in on the action... 

 Sorting out their spoils...

Later that afternoon, we headed to Sue-Sue and PaPa's for yet another easter egg hunt :)

but first they had to check out their goodies...

and eat a few easter treats...she can't have the cake, but she can have the icing!!! Yum :)

Now time for crafts...


 and finally, time for their last easter egg hunt of the season...by this time it was too cold and windy outdoors, so we did the easter egg hunt in the house.  Addison had to take her shirt off like the boys...at some point, she has to learn that she can't always do that. Ha!  

What an amazing Easter weekend we had!  We are so thankful for the amazing gift of everlasting life that is given to us through the death and resurrection of Jesus!!! And we are so thankful to have family to celebrate this time with! 


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