Easter egg hunt 2 and Easter Bunny Surprises

We always go to our church on the Saturday evening before Easter so we can spend Easter Sunday with Adam's mom at her church and also because Sat is when we have our easter egg hunt.  The weather pushed the easter egg hunt inside this year, but the kids still enjoyed it...

Silly boy...He loves to put pretty much anything on his head...

 My loves...

 Addison decided as she went along that she'd open the eggs, get the candy out and just put the candy in her bucket.  Thankfully, this little boy only wanted the eggs, lol...

The easter bunny left behind some nice goodies for the babies on Easter morning...

Trying on his new spiderman sunglasses...

As you can see, Addison fell asleep the night before with her dress on....sometimes, you just let them sleep :)

 He absolutely LOVED his bubble train...


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