Christmas Morning

Addison was excited to wake up and see what Santa brought her and brother.  They must've been good last year because Santa treated them well!  [ side note:  Thanks, Blake ;) ]

Playing with her train set...

We gave them a little time to play with their new toys and then we got them all dressed and packed up to head out to Boompa's for some celebrating.    

Hayden trying on his new hat...

Boompa with great-grandbaby #8...

Addison had fun playing with the triplets (and their new toys)...

Boompa and Foster...

Boompa and Bickett...

opening gifts...

The boys trying on their new backpacks...

my sweet boys...

having fun...

Addison and Chris playing with the iPad...

sweet, sweet boys...

my attempt at getting a family picture of the Perrys...

I hate that I didn't get pictures of everybody, but at this point, I will take what I can get!  
Addison and Broughton got all kinds of toys!  We had to do some major organizing at home to make room for the new toys and get rid of some old toys!  It was a lot of work, but much needed and long overdue!  One more Christmas post to come...


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