Broughton, 7 months

Our precious little boy turned 7 months old on January 20th!  Words cannot express how much we love little man Broughton!  He is so very sweet!  The last time we took him to the Dr, he was a little over 19 lbs but that was with his clothes on.  He hasn't had his 6 month shots yet because when that appointment time rolled around, he was starting to get a cold and I just wanted to wait until his little immune system wasn't fighting a cold.  One week after that appointment, we took him back to the Dr because daycare thought he had pink eye.  Well, they were right.  He was just starting to get pink eye and also had an ear infection.  Poor little baby! 
 I am happy to say, though, that he is much better now...just a little sniffly still.  We will be taking him to get his immunizations soon.  Broughton is still wearing size 9m clothes and size 3 diapers.  

He sits up great now.  We no longer have to put a pillow behind him :)

He still spits up pretty bad and has a bad case of acid reflux.  (which explains the yucky bib...sorry if that grosses you out, I guess I'm just used to it)...

He still loves his jumper, and so do we!  He is so content in it and it allows us a chance to get some things done.  In fact, he is so content in his jumper that he often drifts off to sleep in it...

bless his sweet heart...

He is SO close to crawling!  I remember thinking Addison would crawl "any day now" for a couple of months.  But this time, I really think it will be any day for Broughton.  He has taken just one or two little "crawls" so far but it won't be long before he figures out how to keep going without falling.

He has also been practicing his push-ups...

No, not really, but it does look like it.  Ha!
He can hold his bottle now and is getting better at getting those last drops out...

But he will still let you hold it too, if you want to ;)

He does love his sister and it just swells my heart to see them together!  

He smiles a lot these days!  And usually when he smiles really big, he sticks his tongue out.  It is so cute!  I CANNOT believe I don't have a picture of this yet!  I also cannot believe I don't have a picture of his TWO TEETH!  Right around the time he had pink eye and an ear infection, he also had 2 teeth coming in!  Poor fella!  He hasn't acted like they hurt at all, though.  But he does chew on everything, including his hands!  That drives me nuts because his little hands stay so chapped/red because of it.  Little stinker...

 He is finally starting to act excited when I walk in the door of his daycare room to pick him up.  It makes my heart smile!

Here are a couple of pictures with Daddy.  The first one makes me laugh because he is trying to get Daddy's glasses, but at the same time, his face just looks so innocent, as if he is doing nothing wrong.  "What?  I'm not trying to get Daddy's glasses."  Then the second one makes me laugh because Broughton looks so happy...and Daddy looks so tired!  But, isn't that what parenthood is all about?!  

I am so thankful that God has blessed us with this addition to our family!  Adam and I think Broughton will be one of those babies that "gets into everything".  His teachers think he will be a class clown.  All I know is whatever he decides to be, we will love every minute of it and be forever grateful that God placed him with us!  Happy 7 Months, little buddy!


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