Memorial Day and Father's Day 2012

Just a couple of things I've been meaning to blog about over the past couple of months...

Memorial Day
We spent Memorial Day weekend at the river with Mindy and her family this year at Bobby's parent's place.  We had a great time!

Feeding the ducks...

So proud of my POPSICLE...

 Bobby and Landon relaxing in the swing...

Mindy and Luke looking cool in their shades...

Addison and Daddy getting ready to get on the boat...

Mindy, Addison and Luke getting pulled behind the boat...

Father's Day 2012

We celebrated with my Daddy the day before Father's Day.  I didn't get a picture of my Daddy :(  But here are a couple of Addison and Luke playing on the sand pile...

Baseball in the front yard...

Me and my HUGE belly...

On Sunday, we had more celebrating to do...

Adam drying Addison's wild hair...

All ready to head to Pa's house to celebrate Father's Day...

Ready to ride...

Look at the crickets, Pa!...

Addison made Adam's day by catching her first fish.  Adam put a cricket on the line, threw it in the water, and handed it to Addison.  It wasn't long before she got a bite.  Adam grabbed the rod and the two of them reeled the fish in together.  She was soooo proud!  She ended up catching two fish...

After a yummy lunch at Pa's house, we headed to Boompa's house to celebrate Father's Day with him.  At Boompa's house, we got to see these 3 cutie-pies...

Boompa with his great-grandchildren (except Hayden, who was sick, bless his heart)...

Happy Father's Day, Daddy!!!


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