Broughton, 1 Month Old

Broughton Adam Beaman is one month old today!  It never ceases to amaze me how time just slips away.  It seems like yesterday when I was blogging about Addison turning one month old...and she will be 2 years old next week!  Crazy!

Broughton went to the Dr. yesterday.  He weighed 9 lbs and 15 oz.  Addison was 10 lbs, 7 oz. at one month old.  I think it is so fun to look back and compare.  Broughton finally decided to start taking the Dr Brown bottles with the Dr Brown nipples, so that has been great!  He typically drinks between 2.5-3.5 ounces at a time, but in the last day he has had a few 4 oz bottles.  He still swallows a lot of air and has a lot of gas pains, though...which is why I took him to the Dr.  Mindy and Michelle both told me that he acted like he had acid reflux...and I think they were right.  The Dr said that it definitely sounded like he had acid reflux, according to the things I was describing to him.  He gave us a prescription for zantac.  He said it should take about 4 days to notice a difference....please pray that this will help.  I hate to see my little buddy having horrible gas pains!

Broughton has rolled over again a couple of times, and he holds his head up so well!  The Dr. told us that acid reflux babies are usually really strong because they move around so much from discomfort.  Bless his little heart!

Also, because of his reflux, he has yet to sleep in his crib.  He either sleeps in a little baby seat or on our chest, usually Adam's.  I remember thinking that parents were crazy to let their children sleep on their chest half the night.  I am now sorry for being so judgmental.  You never know the situation.  With Broughton, if you lay him flat on his back, "stuff" comes up and he nearly gets choked.  Sometimes this even happens in his chair and you just have to hold him laying on his stomach.  I love snuggling with him, but I can hardly wait for this medicine to kick in so we can try putting Broughton in his crib!  He does sleep pretty good at night, though.  He has slept 7 hours straight once and 6 hours straight 2 or 3 times.  He normally goes 4-5 hours, though.  The best thing is, at night when he has a bottle, he almost always goes right back to sleep.

Broughton is wearing size 1 diapers.  He still wears some of his newborn clothes, but they fit him more snug these days for sure.

One interesting thing about Broughton...he has a lot of red hair!  When he was first born, we could see just a hint of red around the edges of his hair, but you really had to look for it.  Now, when the sun is shining on his hair, you can see obvious red highlights.  The light was shining right on his head when the Dr picked him up yesterday, and the first thing the Dr said to Broughton was, "Man, you have some red hair!"  It's certainly not "Addison red", but it will be interesting to see how much red stays.  I am also curious to see what his eye color will be.  Right now, they are still blue.

Happy One Month, Broughton!  


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