Little Man Broughton

It has already been 3 weeks and 2 days since Broughton was born!  When he was born, he was 8lbs, 6 oz.  At his first Dr appointment on June 27th, he was 8 lbs, 4 oz.  Then 9 days later, at his next Dr appointment, when he was 2 weeks, 2 days old, he was 8 lbs, 14 oz.  The Dr said his weight gain was perfect!  When Addison was 2 weeks and 4 days old, she weighed 9 lbs,  6 oz.  All this talk about Broughton being so big and so far, Addison has him beat.  Ha!  

It is crazy how much Broughton has changed already!  So many people say he looks like my Daddy.  Not only does he have a lot of my Dad's facial features, but he also has his "chicken legs". Ha!  He has pretty big hands and feet though...I'm not sure who that came from.  He is starting to outgrow all of his newborn clothes and wears mostly 0-3m clothes now.  

We were so ready to see what color Broughton's hair was going to be!  It is a mix of dark brown and light brown, and he has a lot of it!

the mohawk...

the part...

He still doesn't have a definite sleep pattern, but usually he is awake for about 3 hours late in the morning and for about 3 hours late at night.  During the day, he wakes up for a bottle every 1.5-3 hours.  At night, he might go 4 hours.  I swear though, whenever it's Adam's turn for night duty, he sleeps MUCH longer, which is so not fair!  When it's my turn, he suddenly wants to wake up every 2 hours.  Little turkey!  I think it has a lot to do with him sleeping on Adam's chest.  He gets so comfy snuggled up on Adam's chest!  It's like there was a spot carved out just for him.  It's too sweet!  

During the day, when he's feeding more often, he typically drinks 1.5-2.5 ounces.  When he sleeps longer, he'll wake up and drink 2.5-3 ounces.  We have really had a time with his feedings!  First of all, that's really the only time when you can tell that he has a swallowing/breathing issue.  He just swallows SO much air when he drinks a bottle.  And we have had the hardest time finding a bottle that he seems to like.  The NICU sent us home with several of the bottles and nipples that he had been fed with there. He did pretty good with those, but they only hold 2 ounces.  We tried Dr Brown bottles, Playtex drop-ins, and Tommy Tippee bottles and he doesn't like ANY of them!  In fact, they all make him pretty mad!  Finally, I tried a hospital nipple on a Dr Brown bottle and he took it like it was nobody's business.  The problem:  it drips just a little so you have to feed him with a little rag under his chin.  Also, he swallows it too fast with these.  It's good that he'll actually take the bottle, but not good that he sucks down 2.5 ounces in less than 5 minutes.  They cause him to have huge, painful burps.  If you know all his little tricks, you can usually get those burps out pretty quick, but it still just seems like we need to figure out another bottle that would work better.  This has been pretty frustrating!  He would be happy to breastfeed 24-7, but that is not always an option!  

Which brings me to my next point...pumping.  Boy is it tougher the second go-round!  I have decided not to be as anal as I was with Addison.  With her, I started out pumping every 2 hours, even at night.  No matter what, I would pump right on time.  This time around, I started pumping every 2 hours, but have already adjusted that to every 4-5 hours.  And if I am in the middle of something or sleeping, I go longer.  I still get enough to feed Broughton and to store 25-35 ounces per day in the freezer.  Although that's not as much as I got with Addison, it is a gracious plenty...and I get to keep MOST of my sanity.  I don't know how long I will be able to keep this up, but I am just taking it one day at a time.  

Broughton is just starting to seem a little less "fragile".  For the first 7-10 days having him home, we didn't feel comfortable doing tummy time yet and didn't really lay him flat on his back because of his breathing/gas issues.  Finally, a couple days ago I put him on his tummy for a good 10-15 min tummy time...

He is doing a great job picking his head up and is much less wobbly with his head when you're holding him now.  And then tonight, we put him on his tummy for the second time and believe it or not, he rolled over.  We weren't looking at him when he actually rolled over.  Adam was in the kitchen cooking and I was on the computer blogging.  Broughton was kind of in between us on the floor.  We put him down on his tummy and suddenly we looked up and he was on his back.  We put him back on his tummy to see if he'd do it again, but all he did was cry.  He was tired of tummy time.  We'll try it again tomorrow and see what happens  :)  


  1. Him and Addison are both growing so quickly! :) Anyway, I was going to ask if you have tried the Avent bottles to see how he would do on those? I know they say that they are like the breast and suppose to help with colic and not getting air! Love reading the updates! :) <3

  2. He's so sweet Casey! He looks like you! You are doing a great job as a mommy of 2! xo


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