Addison, 2 Years Old!

Addison Leigh is 2 years old today!  Her dad and I couldn't be more proud of her!  Yes, she can be a typical messy tornado of a child...but we wouldn't have it any other way.  She is unbelievably "growny" these days.

She loves to go-go-go!  I swear I don't think she would even sleep if we didn't make her.  Her bedtime has been getting later and later...we must work on that!  She pretty much refuses to use the potty at home now.  We don't push her, though, and won't until she moves up to the next class at her daycare.  The class she is in now will leave them in underwear until nap-time.  Then, after nap, they leave them in a diaper.  Well, Addison doesn't get to school until an hour or two before nap I think we will just wait to get strict with her until they are able to do that at school as well.  
Otherwise, it is honestly just too much work right now with the new baby.  Maybe we're lazy...all I know is we do what we can...and we have a happy little girl that will use the potty just fine one of these days.

Addison is one of the sweetest little souls I know.  She loves to give hugs and kisses.  She loves her Mama, Daddy, and Baby Brother.

She likes to boss Griffon and Sadie around.  She is too busy to sit for even 5 minutes of any TV show.  She eats on the run...I guess because we let her.  She loves chocolate milk and popsicles.

She loves her cousins.  She is proud of her big girl bed.  She loves to dance and sings a lot more words to several songs now.  A couple of days ago, she was walking around the house singing, "God is so good.  God is so good to me."  It seriously melted my heart!

Addison is exceptionally good at drawing, which excites both me and Grandma Sue-Sue!  She still loves to play in the dirt!

She wears 2T clothes and is still in a size 5 shoe.  She weighs 28lbs.  Her hair has gotten a lot of blond streaks in it.

Her eyes are brown, but almost look like they have a red they are honey-colored....reminds me of the vampires in Twilight.  Ha.  She still has 16 teeth and no sign yet of the other 4 coming in.

There are so many things that she does on a daily basis that make me think, "I have got to blog about that"...but unfortunately, I can't seem to recall a single thing right now.  Sometimes I just wish I could record every moment with her.  That way I would never forget.  I could just replay her precious moments over and over and over.

But for now, I will have to settle for this blog.  I am so thankful to have this to look back on.

Happy 2nd Birthday, Addison!  We are so blessed to have you in our lives!  We love you more than you will ever know!!!


  1. I love reading your blog... Wish I had the dedication to start one at the start of my pregnancy. She seems like such a sweetie, like her mom. She's cute as she can be! You have a beautiful family Casey!!

  2. It is so hard to believe Addison is already 2 years old!!!

  3. I can't believe Addison is 2 years old!! She is so precious and I know she is a blessing to so many people!! Happy Birthday Addison!!!



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