Poor Baby!

Last Thurs night, Addison got her first fever.  We gave her some Ibuprofen, but she, again, had a fever in the morning.  So off to the Dr we went.  She had an ear infection in one ear.  We picked up her medicine from the pharmacy and headed home.  I have to admit, I took advantage of her all day Friday and snuggled to the max!  After a long nap, she acted like she was feeling better, but didn't have an appetite.  Then, all of a sudden, she threw up.  Poor baby!  She never really cried...just acted sooooo sweet but sooooo sleepy. 

She made up for it on Saturday, though!  First of all, she woke up at 4:00 in the morning...I think because she was so hungry from barely eating the day before.  We gave her a sippy cup of "milk" and tried our best to get her to go back to sleep.  Unfortunately, she had other plans.  She wanted to play!  By the time 6:00 rolled around, I decided I might as well take her yard-saling with me since she obviously was not interested in going back to sleep.  Ofcourse, she was asleep before we made it out of the driveway.  Silly little monkey!  She slept for exactly 2 hours while I rode around town.  She woke up as I was pulling into the Farmer's Market.  We were excited to find some beautiful fresh veggies!  After the farmer's market, we went home to play with her new toy that we found at a yardsale....

It didn't take me long to get my $5 out of this little kitchen....I was actually able to lay down on the couch and relax while she played with it for like 30 minutes! 

We were so happy that our little baby girl was feeling better!  She had a big weekend ahead of her (which I will blog about later).  Tuesday afternoon, however, it was off to Urgent Care.  Something bit her on the leg and it looked just awful!  It was all red and swollen and oozy.  I just despise going to Urgent Care, but I am thankful for it!  We got lucky and actually saw her regular Dr, who was working her one night out of the month at the Urgent Care Center.  She told us that the antibiotic that she was on for her ear infection was actually excellent for bites and "skin stuff".  Praise God!!!  We did have to get some cream, but we were just so happy that the antibiotic was in her system before she even got bit!  Bless her sweet heart!


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