11 Months Old!

Well, one more month and our little butter bean will be one year old...CRAZY!  What fun we have had over the past 11 months watching our baby girl grow!

Addison still wears mostly 12 month and some 12-18 month clothes.  She still wears a size 3 diaper, but is finally outgrowing her size 2 shoes.  She is down to one nap in the middle of the day, and because of this, she has been going to bed a little earlier.  She still gets up at 7:30 almost every morning and has been ever since I can remember. 

She has 3 sippy cups of formula each day, but we no longer warm them at all.  The last time I took her to the Dr, when she was 10.5 months old, she was 19 lbs.  She still loves the pool and playing in the sand, although the last couple of times we've put her in the sand she has tried to eat it. 
She has 4 teeth and 2 more not far from breaking through:

She is definitely into the climbing stage and will try to climb anything!  She loves any kind of ride-on toy, whether it be riding on it or climbing on it. 

I think she will be right-handed because she is just starting to throw a ball well (in the direction she intends, anyways) and has started trying to color-both she does with her right hand

She still doesn't walk without holding onto something or someone, but she has gotten a lot more coordinated.  All she needs now is to be a little braver, and she would be on the move! She still loves music and dancing.  It is so stinkin' cute!   She finally says mama!  Not often, but I'll take what I can get :)  She says ball pretty consistently and tries to say Sadie, although it sounds more like -adie.  She sometimes will say duck.  And if you ask her what the duck says, she will make a clicking noise with her tongue.  It is hilarious!  She just started blowing kisses and I love it! 

She loves to "drive" the golf cart.  She still loves to eat, but sometimes gets in moods where she doesnt eat much, or acts like she's "not in the mood" for particular things.  She ate corn on the cob the other day like a champ!  It sounded like she had 20 teeth in that head of hers.  So funny.  She loves toys that she can push around and has learned how to turn them around when she runs into something.  She likes to take things in and out of her dresser drawers and loves to climb in and out of her chair....and in and out and in and out and in and out, etc.!

She makes so many faces.  Others have been telling me for quite some time that she looks a lot like me, but I am finally starting to see my face in her face, although she definitely still looks like her daddy too.

She so obviously loves all of her grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins, and it makes my heart smile so big!  She likes to climb under things...this is her playing on a bouncy seat under a crib at daycare...
And she loves to get under the sheets on our bed, like a tent. She is so dog-on precious, and we are so dog-on blessed!

Happy 11 months, Addison Leigh!  :)


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