Infant Dedication

Last weekend, Addison had her infant dedication at Covenant United Methodist Church.  We were so happy to be surrounded by so many loved ones!  My mama and daddy (Sue-Sue and Pa-pa), Jane and Gerald (Grandma and Grandpa), Milton (not sure what Addison will call Milton yet), Mindy, Bobby, Michelle, Amy, Hayden, Adam's grandaddy (Boompa), Dr Abdul, Jackie, Kay, Landon, Peyton, Connor, and Luke!  I will always remember this special day and all who came to celebrate it with us!  Here are some pictures of the day...

Waiting for everyone to arrive at the church.  (We were afraid to put that white dress on until the last minute)...

 I LOVE this one because it reminds me of when I was little...I remember my daddy blow-drying my hair...just one of those memories that makes my heart smile :)...
 I still can't believe how red her hair is...

Up on stage...

The white dress didn't last long.  Ha!

The celebration continued at Chili's...

Thanks again to everyone who was able to join us last weekend!  And thanks, Dr Abdul and Jackie for the gifts!  They gave Addison some sweet gifts, including a precious little porcelain baby shoe with a little tag on it that reads Baby Steps with Jesus.  Precious!  And thanks go Jane Jane.  She gave Addison a beautiful cross necklace to match the cross bracelet that she has.  Addison will enjoy this for years to come! 


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