Disney on Ice

Mindy and I scored some Disney on Ice tickets last weekend off of the Pitt County Yardsale Facebook page.  We were so excited!  Surprisingly, we got there early.  Ha!  Here are the two munchkins just waiting to go into the show.

We walked around for a little bit and then took our seats...

Addison and Luke were excited...and then the loud noise started.  Luke was still excited....Addison, not so much.  She did the usual and started crying and trembling and saying, "I wanna go home."  I tried to calm her for just a few minutes, but we ended up heading all the way back up the never-ending steps and into the "lobby" area.  I was afraid this would happen, but I guess I was just hoping Mickey could make it all better?  Now, for the good news, we ended up going back into the show.  We hung out in the lobby area for a little bit and then I went to the info desk where they gave me some ear plugs.  Addison has never worn ear plugs so I knew it would take some convincing to get her to wear them.  I picked her up and held her and we went just behind the curtain and stood at the top of the steps and watched a little bit of the show, but it was still too loud.  She didn't want to wear the earplugs, but I could tell she wanted to watch...it was truly just too loud for her oversensitive ears.  Finally, after about 20 minutes or so I convinced her to try the earplugs.  She let me put them in, we stood there for another couple of minutes and then I asked her if she wanted to go sit with Gukey again.  She said yes and we were able to enjoy the rest of the show!  I was soooooo proud of her for giving the earplugs a try!  When we were leaving, she made sure that I had her earplugs.  She was so proud telling her daddy she watched Disney on Ice with her earplugs!  I have since then been looking for some kind of ear muffs for her.  I found something called "ear defenders", which basically look like ear muffs, but they are designed to fit kids.  Maybe we'll actually be able to watch fireworks next year!  :)


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