6 Months

Broughton turned 6 months old on December 20.

He is such a happy baby!  I don't know how much his weight or length has changed because he isn't scheduled for his 6 month check-up until next Friday.  But I can tell you, he sure has grown!  
We started giving him rice cereal right at 5 months.  After about a week, we introduced oatmeal.  Just a few days later, we tried squash.  Since then, we have tried all kinds of things...sweet potatoes, peas, green beans, carrots, acai grape, banana, apple, pear.  He has loved them all!  

He reaches for everything that we are eating or drinking too.  His daycare teacher swears that he is ready for table food.  Ha!  We put him in his high chair for the first time just a few days ago, and he was EXCITED!  

He has 4-5 bottles/day with 6-7 oz of breastmilk...yes, I am still hangin' in there.  :)  He usually tries to hold his bottle, and he does pretty good.  When he gets to the end of his bottle, though, he doesn't yet know how to "turn it up".  

He is rolling around everywhere!  You definitely have to keep a close eye on him now because he can go from one end of the room to the other in about .5 seconds!  Here are a few pictures of him under the tree...that has been one of his favorite spots to roll to recently...

He is thinking about crawling, but isn't nearly there yet.  He picks himself up on his arms really high.  Then he lays his head down and is starting to pull his little feet in under him, but not doing those two together.  
He sits up really well!  

Sometimes we still put the Boppy pillow around him, if he is being a little wobbly...

He wears mostly size 9 month clothes and wears size 3 diapers.  

His feet grew suddenly!  I don't normally put shoes on him, but he did wear a pair of shoes for pictures about a month or so ago.  They were size 2 but were way too big.  We tried to put a size 2 on him a few days ago and there was no way they were getting on his feet.  He skipped right on over the size 2 stage.  

He takes his baths with his sissy now and they both think that is pretty cool...

She still loves that he is "her baby"!...

And here's a new one...he will suddenly take a paci.  It's funny because 6 months is the age that Addison stopped taking her paci, and it's the age that Broughton started taking his paci.  Ha!  He has gotten where he fights his sleep pretty bad.  Once he falls asleep, he almost always takes a good nap and/or sleeps all night, praise God!  But, sometimes, actually getting him to sleep can be tricky.  Adam likes to resort to putting him in his carseat and taking him for a ride.  I have found that if you put his paci in his mouth, sing him a little song, and rub his back a little, he will usually drift off to sleep pretty fast :)  He never would take a paci before, but now if he is really sleepy and fighting his sleep, it will soothe him, so this mama is loving the paci! I don't even have a picture of him with his paci in because as soon as he falls asleep, he is done with it so it's hard to get a picture before he spits it out.  
He seems to be getting so big so fast!  That was the case with Addison too, but I think because we are so much busier with two, time seems to be flying by much, much faster!  I can hardly believe he is 6 months old!  And it doesn't help that he seems/looks even older than that!  I was just saying a couple of days ago that he seems too big for onesies now...he looks like he should be wearing shirts and normal pants...khakis/jeans (i can't get into the jon-jons).  It's just amazing how fast they go from little babies to little people!

I have been feeling guilty lately because I haven't even started on Broughton's baby book.  Addison had a baby book, a shutterfly baby photo book, and a shutterfly 6 month baby book.  She also had many more blog posts!  Now I understand why my oldest sister had a baby book along with LOTS of pictures, my next sister has a few pictures, and baby pictures of me are nearly impossible to find.  Ha!  Adam assures me all the time that Broughton won't care...he's a boy :)  I guess I am just happy I am able to update my blog from time to time!  Despite my slackness in the baby book dept, I will have to say though, at 6 months...we are finally starting to get the hang of this "having 2 kids" thing and life is starting to get almost back to "normal".  Happy 6 months, little man Broughton! .... And just because it's the sweetest picture in the world, I will end on this note...


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