Broughton 2 Months Old

Broughton turned 2 months old yesterday!  I thought time flew by when Addison was a baby...but now with a baby AND a toddler, time REALLY flies by!  Broughton is such a sweet baby!  I am not sure of his exact "stats" but the last time I took him to the doctor, which was one week ago, he was 12 lbs.  His two month check-up will be this Friday.  He is wearing size 3 month clothes and size 1 diapers.  I haven't tried any shoes on him yet, so I don't know what size shoe he wears.  He suddenly seems more aware of his surroundings and obviously notices things at further distances now.  In the past couple of days, he has realized that his hands are a part of him.  He holds his own weight up on his feet in your lap and his head doesn't wobble much at all anymore.  He smiles a lot when you talk or sing to him.  And he smiles with his whole face... he has dimples and when he smiles really big, he squints his eyes.  Here is a video from a few days ago of him smiling and "talking" while laying on his changing table.  Please excuse the pink towel.  Ha!  (It's Addison's).

Broughton still has a head full of hair and his eyes are still a beautiful blue.  He is "filling out" a little more these days...his legs don't look as puny now.  Ha.  He almost always drinks 5 oz, but the time between bottles is not as consistent.  He usually goes 3 hours between bottles, but sometimes it is 2.5 and sometimes it's 4 or 5.  Unfortunately, he doesn't sleep as long as his sister did at this age.  He still wakes up once or twice during the night for a bottle.  He has lasted 7 hours just a few times, but it's normally 3-5 hours before he wakes up for a bottle.  Unlike Addison, he likes his swing.  He also loves to be held...also unlike his sister.  We have just started putting him in his crib for the night.  Although he would gladly sleep in your arms all night, he does well in the crib too...thank goodness!  He takes a paci sometimes, but doesn't normally keep it in long at all.  

We love you so very much, sweet "Baby Brother"!!!  Happy 2 Months!


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