Ten Months Old!

Addison turned 10 months old on May 26, 2011!
Only two months away from being one year old!  How crazy!  Addison had her "9 month" well child visit last Friday.  At that time, she was 20 lbs 5.2 ounces, which placed her in the 66.53 percentile.  Her height was 2'5.5", 92.29%.  Her head circumference was 45.5cm, 82.88%.  Big girl!
She wears mostly 12 month clothes.  She was getting into size 4 diapers, but we switched over to Target brand, which I love!, and in those, a size 3 fits her best.  Her shoe size is 2-3, and she's getting a little better at not pulling them off as quickly.  She LOVES to eat!  She isn't patient enough to sit through a whole book, but she likes playing with them.  A couple of weeks ago, she gave up the army crawl and has gotten a lot faster at crawling like a big girl.  She pulls up on everything and can walk behind a toy, but not alone yet, although she is just beginning to stand on her own....at least until she realizes what she's doing. 

She has started "dancing" a little bit when she hears music.  She loves the outdoors!  She "talks" a lot, but still the only thing she says consistently that makes sense to us is Da-Da, which she pronounces more like "Dat-Dah".  She loves the water, dogs, playing with her cousins...and just watching children in general.  She fights her sleep like a champ, but still sleeps great once she finally stops moving.  She enjoys playing with pots while mommy is cooking...
She is definitely at that stage where you have to watch her every move because she likes getting into EVERYTHING...especially if she knows she's not supposed to...sneaky little rascal  :)

She truly is a joy!...a LOT of work!  A ball full of ENERGY!  But an absolute JOY! 


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