Good-bye bottles and baby food

In the last week, Addison has decided that she is over the whole baby food thing.  She got a taste of the real stuff and there was no going back.  She has eaten about every fruit you can think of...strawberries, banans, apples, oranges, peaches, pears, kiwi, cantaloupe, watermelon, honeydew melon, blueberries, grapes.  She loves them all.  Her favorite thing to eat, however, is any kind of beans or peas.  She loves sweet peas, butter beans, string beans, black-eyed peas, and baked beans.  She also likes carrots, squash, corn, sweet potatos, broccoli, rice, cucumbers, and spaghetti.  Here is her first spaghetti pic...
She also likes every kind of meat we have given her...grilled chicken breasts, pork chops, turkey hot dogs, chicken hot dogs, and chicken nuggets.  The only baby food she will still eat is her puffs.  Although I have been warned that she may still become a picky eater, I am hoping that she will always enjoy such healthy foods!  It has been a lot of work cooking all of her meals.  I went over her menu at daycare.  Out of a 2-week menu, there wasn't a single day that didn't have something on the menu that she was allergic to.  Oh well, we tried.  Here is a video from a couple of nights ago of her scarfing down some sweet peas...

She wasn't as excited about giving up her bottle. We have been trying to give her a sippy cup for months now. We have put water and juice in her sippy, but she has just had zero interest in it. The dr said we could try putting her formula in a sippy to see if that would help. Although she wasn't too happy about it the first 3 or 4 times, she took a lot more interest in her sippy cup when it was full of her "milk". She did so well with it after the first day, we figured now was as good a time as ever to say bye-bye to her bottles. Sniff, sniff! My little baby isn't such a baby anymore. Here's my little carrot top chillin' with her sippy cup of milk...


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