Trains, Swings, Peek-a-boo, and....Holding the bottle!!

Grandma Sue-Sue gave Addison the neatest little train toy.  It has blocks with all the letters of the alphabet on them and does all kinds of things.  Addison LOVES it!  She plays with it every day...

She'll be riding that thing all over the house before we know it.  Thanks, Grandma Sue-Sue for the new toy! 
She also loves her swing!  I forgot I had bought one at a yard sale a long time ago.  I was so excited when I found it.  Adam hung it up on our porch...
I can hardly wait to get another warm day so we can swing again! 
Another thing Addison has enjoyed lately....playing Peek-a-boo.  She played peek-a-boo in her jumper this morning...

I wish I got pictures of her and her Daddy playing peek-a-boo behind her toy train tonight.  It was so dog-on cute!  She is getting to be such a big girl!

Speaking of big girls...look who has learned to hold her bottle all by herself!...

This may not seem like a big deal, but this little accomplishment allowed mommy time to eat her breakfast this morning.  Celebrate the small things!!  I had to go over and help her pick it back up once or twice, but she pretty much handled it on her own.  Exciting! 

One more thing...I plan to do a separate little blog for this, but incase "life happens" and I don't get back to it...I just want to say...


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