Addison goes to Burlington

Last weekend me, Adam, and Addison went to visit my family in Burlington.  We went straight to my cousin, Allen's high school football game.  I had planned to get some pictures with my "good camera" of Allen out on the field, but unfortunately my battery was dead and my very intelligent self left my camera bag with my charger in it at the camper a couple of weeks ago.  I did get a couple of cute pics of Adam and Addison though with my "little camera".  Adam put her in our little baby carrier for the first time and she did so good...
How cute are those little socks that look like slippers?  Cathy gave her those  :)  I wish I had a picture of her entire was just darlin'.  Oh well.  Anyways, we weren't there long before Addison had to have a bottle...surprise surprise.  Ha!

Then, a VERY MESSY diaper and a change of clothes later and Addison was out...

She woke up, though, when we got to Mamaw and Pawpaw's house.  Mamaw was so happy to finally get her hands on her first great grandaughter!!

We spent the night at my aunt and uncle's house.  After breakfast, we headed back to Mamaw and Pawpaw's.
I am so glad we finally got to take Addison to visit the Burlington crowd!  Every time I spend time with any one of them I think to myself, "I sure wish they lived closer!"  Can't wait to see you guys again!!  I love, love, love you all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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