Asheboro Zoo Trip

Our little family took a trip to the Asheboro Zoo over Memorial Day weekend.  No matter where we go, I absolutely LOVE when just the four of us are able to take a trip together!!! 

These two were pretty excited too!

All geared up and ready to go!

The giraffes are always my favorite!  Broughton kept wanting to see the zebras and Addison was most eager to see the lions, although they both acted pretty excited when they saw the flamingos, or as brother would say, "mingos".

me and my girl...

posing with daddy...

 Brought-Brought was fast asleep in the stroller when someone offered to take a pic for us...

so very sweet...

he loves his stuffed animals!...

That's a whole lotta love right there...

Broughton couldn't quite hang...

and a quick stop by Bass Pro on the way home...

Can hardly wait for our next family adventure!


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