Broughton-Four Months Old!

This sweet thing turned 4 months old on October 20!  He had his 4-month check-up and immunizations on Friday.  He was 16 lbs, 5 oz.  He was in the 75th percentile for weight and the 90th percentile for his height.  Big boy! 
He is getting over his little cold, although he still is a little stuffy from time to time.  Thankfully, though, he is still all smiles...
Broughton has a very sweet personality.  He absolutely loves Addison and thinks she is just hilarious!  She tells us all the time, "He's smiling at me."  or "He just laughed at me".  It makes her so proud!

 He is just getting into a size 3 diaper, and wears mostly 6m clothes.  Any 6m with feet in it, though, he is about to outgrow.  I still haven't tried any shoes on him.  I am not a fan of shoes...or socks for that matter, as my family knows :)
He wants to sit up some kind of bad and can do it on his own for just a few seconds.  He is reaching for everything...
He gets tickled looking at himself in the mirror.  He loves to take a bath.  He is such a wiggle worm!!!  My mom says he got that from my daddy too...he can't be still.  Ha!  He still looks just like my daddy, but me and Mindy discovered that he also looks like my aunt Kim (my Dad's sister) sometimes...especially when he smiles.  He looks more like my Daddy when he makes a serious or mad face.  Ha!  Like here...
He typically drinks 7 ounces of breast milk at each feeding, sometimes a little less, sometimes a little more before bed.  He is a spitter, just like Addison was, but lately he has been spitting up even worse!  It hasn't worried me too much since he is still so happy, but it certainly is not fun! 
I picked him up from daycare one day last week and found him in this...
I didn't realize how much time had gone by, but after seeing him in this little jumper, I remembered that we first put Addison in her jumper when she turned 4 months old!  So, a few days later, Chris brought over Hayden's old jumper for Broughton to borrow.  He has been enjoying it ever since...

He is able to roll over easily now from back to tummy and from tummy to back.  I have to get this on video! 
I did get a picture of him sleeping on his tummy in his crib at daycare.  This was the first time he rolled over to go to sleep...
He has been sleeping on his tummy ever since.   
 Happy 4 months, Brother Man!!!


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