Brother's First Little Cold :(

Our sweet boy has not been too happy these past few days.  His little nose decided on Friday that it wanted to get all stuffy.  If he could blow his nose, life would be much easier!  Unfortunately, he won't be able to figure that one out for quite sometime :(  He has been spitting up a lot more too, and not eating as much.  Adam took him to the Dr on Friday because they told us he had a fever at daycare.  (He weighed a whopping 16.76 lbs, btw.) Thankfully, when he went to the Dr he didn't have a fever.  They checked everything out and said he looked OK...ears were fine, chest was clear...just congested in his nose.  Doesn't sound too bad, right?  Well, babies this age haven't quite figured out that they can breathe through their mouths.  Instinc/Reflexes kick in and they do it....but not without a struggle.  And it is extremely hard to get a bottle down when he can't breathe through his nose.  Somehow, by the grace of God, he has still been sleeping through the night, but he just isn't himself.  And to make matters worse, I woke up this morning with what I assume to be the same crud.  My throat is really hurting which makes me sad because that probably means that his throat is hurting too.  Please pray that this crud leaves our house very soon!!! 


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