21 Months

I missed Addison's 20 month post so there will be lots of catch-up pictures on this one.  On April 26, Addison turned 21 months old!  She has really become such a big girl.  She speaks in sentences now, she counts to 10 (although she sometimes skips the number 6), she is finally getting her colors down...usually.  She is obviously being taught good manners at school, because she says "excuse me, please, and thank-you" a lot. 

She has gotten a lot taller in the past month, although I am ashamed to say we have not measured her.  We are planning to start marking her height on a door or stick or something...we just haven't done it yet.  Potty training has not really gotten anywhere.  She is in pull-ups, but that just means "diaper" to her...I don't think it is any different than a regular diaper in her mind.  Just costs us more.  She is going to start going to school in big girl underwear tomorrow.  Her teacher, God bless her, recommended that I just bring her in big girl underwear and that they would start training her at school.  How awesome are they?!  When I told her I hated for them to have to change her clothes 10 times/day, she said, "That's our job".  Love, love, love them!  I'll keep  you guys posted on her progress. 
She loves being outside and loves to play in the mud!  We have been riding the golf cart a lot lately thanks to the beautiful weather we've been having.  We always have to ride through the mud puddles and we always have to go check out the "badda pants" (tobacco plants) in the greenhouse. 

We have been having a lot of fun lately.  We have been to several really small local fairs.  My Daddy told me if I keep taking her to fairs, she's going to expect to go every day.  Ha!  Guess we've been spoiling her in that way a little bit.  Here she is on the mini scrambler...
and one with her and Gukey...
And on the boats...
We also went to the circus here in town.  I wasn't sure how she would do because she doesn't typically like really loud noises.  Well, she did great!  She was amazed by the elephants and tigers and even rode a pony.  It was so much fun to watch her face as she watched all of the "acts". 

Last weekend, we had fun picking strawberries and looking at the animals at "Strawberries on 903"...
Three months away from being 2 years old...which reminds me, I better start planning for a birthday party!!! 


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