
We have been so busy lately.  I thought I'd just do a quick catch-up blog to recap a few things.  A couple of weekends ago was my cousin, Zack's birthday.  The family got together at my aunt Kay's house to celebrate.  Addison and her buddy, "Gook" (Luke)...

Addison sitting with Pa-Pa...




 Silly babies...

Zack, the birthday boy...

Addison tryin on Kay's hats (and Luke trying on the trash can)...

After the party, we stopped by Gama and Goppy's house (Addison's new names for Jane and Gerald...not sure where she got these names, but it is too cute)...

 sleepy girl...

Valentine's Party at daycare (Open Door)...

Playtime with Luke...

And, Addison's "big girl" room...Last Sat night, Gama and Goppy kept Addison and Sue-Sue came over to help me move Addison's room.  We completely cleared her "old" room out and rearranged some things so that we could move her room to what used to be the "play room".   Here is a picture of her " baby room" right after we got it all finished for her, from June 2010...

Here is a picture after we got it all cleaned out...

Although it's exciting that we will soon be getting it all ready for baby brother, it's still a little sad that Addison no longer has a "baby room".  She is so proud of her big girl room, though...

We did keep her crib (with the front off).  We didn't want to change too much at one time.  We will eventually switch to a "real" bed instead of a toddler bed, but as for now, her room is just right :)  Thanks to the grandparents that made it possible for us to get everything moved.  Now for the next for the new baby's room...wish me luck :)


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