
Sorry I have been absent lately, but it has been hard to find time to sit.  I recently decided that it was finally time to start taking care of myself.  I have had more appointments in the last couple of weeks as a result.  First of all, I had my annual physical...check.  Then it was an eye dr appointment...check.  Next, I got my cavities filled.  I know, I am a dental hygienist...I shouldn't have cavities :(   nevertheless...check.  Tomorrow, hopefully it's a haircut and then Friday I am scheduled to have my wisdom teeth taken out...Yikes!  And last, but not least, I went to my first chiropractor appointment about a month ago and have been going weekly ever since.  I will have more to say about the chiropractor later, but for now, let me just say that Dr Cohen is my new best friend!!!  Love, love, love my chiropractor! 

As for the hubbie and the baby...they are doing great!  Adam has had a little more free time on his hands than he normally has this year, due to Irene wiping out a good 75% of their crops.  And Addison is as busy as a bee.  She is running all over the place and saying all kinds of new things.  She recently got 3 molars in, so is now up to 11 teeth, soon to be 12.  She rarely comes home from daycare in the same outfit that we sent her in because she loves to play in the mud....that's my girl!  She still has the sweetest spirit!  Adam and I are so proud of her!  We are starting to talk to her about the potty and hope to at least get her little potty out soon.  She has grown so much lately.  She wears 18m clothes, size 4 diapers, and size 3-4 shoes.  For the first time ever...tonight she cried and ran away from her mama and daddy.  Mindy kept her for a couple of hours while me and Adam went to a class at church.  She had so much fun playing with her Aunt Mimmie and Landon and Luke,  that when I looked at her and told her we had to go "Bye-Bye", she ran away and started crying.  Bless her little heart!  She still eats like a champ and is still a dancing machine!  She has without a doubt stolen the hearts of me and Adam!

Here are a few random pics from recently...

Well, it's midnight and this mama is pooped...good-night to all!!


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