Thanksgiving 2010

Addison and Daddy at Grandaddy Milton's on Thanksgiving '10:

I love this time of year!  I am not a fan of cold weather, but I do love the spirit of the holiday season.  Thanksgiving seems to be when it all starts.  It seems like people are generally just a little bit nicer beginning this time of year.  Ofcourse you see those that are way too stressed out as well, but overall, I think people are a little more thoughtful during the holidays.  In honor of Thanksgiving 2010, I would like to share just a few things that I am thankful for.  There are far too many to list, but here are a few...

First of all, I am thankful that I have a personal relationship with my Lord and Savior that continues to grow each and every day.

Words cannot express how thankful I am for my husband and my daughter who make this life oh so sweet! 

I am thankful for the job that I have, and the fact that it does not feel like a "job", but instead feels like an awesome opportunity each and every day.  I am also thankful to work for such a humble and incredible Doctor who is proud of his faith and puts his trust in God.  Also a blessing are my co-workers and the relationships that we share!

I am thankful to live in America where we still have our freedom.  Unfortunately, the state of this country and the overall attitude of its leaders and the general public quite frankly frighten me, but I am still thankful to be an American and wish more would have an "attitude of gratitude" here.  Please pray for our country!

I am also thankful for my family, for my health, my home, the very air I breathe, my church, my bible study (that I miss so much!), my talents/gifts, and so much more!

I hope everyone had a happy Thanksgiving!  May you stop and reflect on the blessings in your life and give thanks to the One who makes them all possible!


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