Four Months Old!!

It seems like I was just posting Addison's 3 month old update, and yet here we are, a whole month later.  It is November 26 and Addison Leigh Beaman is now 4 months old! My how time flies!  Here's a precious picture of Addison this morning in her "Farm Cutie" onesie that Grandma Jane-Jane gave her and her little boots from Polly...

Adam and I went to Babies R Us today to get Addison a 4 month present.  Well, honestly, Addison and I went, but when I lost my keys, Adam had to come rescue us.  I looked for my keys for nearly an hour.  It took Adam about 5 minutes to find them.  Ha!  I told him it was just my excuse to get him to come hang out with us.  This is what we bought her...

It was a special "Black Friday" buy!  I think she likes it...
Notice the book under her feet.  She wasn't quite tall enough for it, but we fixed that :)

Here are a few quick 4 month stats:
     size diaper:  2
     size clothes:  3-6 months in some things, 6 months in other      things
     size shoes: still a 0--itty bitty feet :)
     ounces of breastmilk per feeding:  6 ounces, sometimes 7      ounces in the morning
Unfortunately, she has been waking up in the middle of the night for the past 3 weeks for another bottle.  She usually goes right back to sleep, but not always.  Any tips?  Please share! 

She still cries like crazy when she gets hungry, but you can distract her now by dancing around with her or bouncing her up and down.  Pretty much anything crazy she loves! 

She likes to stand now.  Not by herself ofcourse, but she has just begun to hold her own weight really good when you hold her up.  It makes her so proud.  She smiles so big and stares at you, awaiting your praise. 

She started rolling over again.  I caught her on video today...

                       From back to tummy:
                        From tummy to back:

Her next Dr appointment is December 10.  She has to get some shots.  I am not looking forward to that, but I am interested to see how much she weighs now and her length.  I will be sure to post those updates when we find out :)  Happy 4 months baby Addison!!


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