Open Door Open House and First Day of Pre-K

This post is actually filled with emotion that unfortunately I don't have time to express right now.  At this time, I'm just trying to play "catch-up" so I'm keeping it short...These pictures are from Open Door's open house in August...the start of a new year at ODMCDC which is so bittersweet because Addison left ODMCDC this year to go to Greene County Pre-K.  Although she loves it at her new school, this mama still stresses daily over the decision to switch from private to public...I could debate this all day long, with no confident conclusion...but for now, I'll just share the pics of open house and Addison's first day of Pre-K...

Ada and Colton cheesin' it up...

chubby cheeks...

Addison and sweet, sweet Claire-bear...

 photos to cherish for a lifetime...

Addison does love some Jen!  And broughton does love some ice-cream...

Broughton being a bad influence, lol...

 You'd think she was mad about going to a new school...nope, she was just mad that I wanted to take her picture...Ha!  See, she doesn't always cooperate...

...but she warmed right up in about 15 seconds :)

Stacy sent me a few throughout the day, which made my day!!!

Please pray for all the little can be such a scary option is perfect, but I trust that God will lead us where they are supposed to be....I just don't know yet where that is.  sigh.


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