A Blazing New Year

This isn't exactly how I had hoped our new year would start out…on January 7th, our storage barn filled with a lifetime of memorabilia and valuables burned to ashes.  Our attempt to keep our dogs warm on a bone chilling cold night resulted in a propane tank exploding and this:

The good news: our dogs made it out safe and sound and no one was harmed.
The bad news:  well, that's obvious:

We had an unbelievable amount of "stuff" packed in that barn!  When you live in a single wide trailer with two kids, you put EVERYTHING in your storage barn!  Most of the "stuff" can be replaced.  I am most sad about the things that can't be replaced.  To name a few: every single letter that Adam and I ever wrote each other…we started dating in high school, so that was a lot of letters!, trophies that we would have loved to show our kids some day, photo albums packed full of memories, high school yearbooks signed by all of our childhood friends, scrapbooks, etc.  

Also disheartening, yet replaceable was my stash of fabric that took me 6 months to accumulate, as well as my new sewing machine and all kinds of notions:

This experience was heartbreaking, but I know God is up to something!  Can hardly wait to see what it is!!!


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