Broughton, 20 months old!

 I hate that I haven't slowed down long enough to post more blogs about the sweetest little boy in the whole wide world!  Time is just something that seems to be pretty sparse around here lately!  So….what has Broughton been up to?  Well, on Feb 20th, he turned 20 months old!

 He is quite possibly the cutest little boy on the face of the earth!


He is as tough as nails!  All boy, for sure!!!

Unfortunately, that "toughness" gets him in trouble at daycare sometimes.  It doesn't help that he's the biggest one in his class!  He can be a little too rough with his friends sometimes :/

He is still a good eater, although very messy!  He really likes to "dip" things…ketchup, ranch, anything really...

We have been working on potty training.  He does great at home.  He will sit on the potty and pee nearly every time we ask him if he needs to go potty.  He gets all excited and runs straight down the hallway.  However, he doesn't go anytime other than when we ask him yet.  He has even been asking to wear his big boy underwear…it's too cute!  Unfortunately, he won't use the potty at school, which I don't really understand???….since he does so well at home.  I guess we'll get there eventually :)

He is a good sleeper once he goes to bed….late, just like his sister (and mommy and daddy)…but sleeps all night, thank God!

Cute, Cute, Cute...

He does love his "Ada"!!!

Selfie :)

Still loves bath time...

Pretty much ALWAYS makes a mess...

Loves to ride anything!  

napping with Daddy...

So serious...

Playing in the little cubby while we wait for Addison outside of her dance class.  Poor thing gets dragged around everywhere for his sister.  Ha.  He is usually really good…but the last couple of times we waited for her at gymnastics, he got tired of "watching" and wanted to go in and jump around like everyone else.  Maybe we'll get him started sometime soon.

this pictures just makes me smile...

knocked out!...

Sitting on top of Addison's art desk.  He is quite the climber!  Nothing, I repeat-NOTHING is safe from this little one.  Child lock everything required!  

This past 20 months have been the most chaotic of my life!  Our house is a disaster area, my BP must spike to insane levels on a daily basis, we eat far too few home cooked meals, my car-like the house is just plain hazardous, i sleep half of the amount of time that i know my body needs every single night, we can't find anything, everything takes 5 times longer than it should…and yet, somehow, i know these are the best, sweetest, most rewarding years of our lives!  Thank-you, Broughton, for filling our home with crazy, entertaining, sweet, sweet love!!!


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