Watermelon Festival

Our little family met Mindy and Lukey-Luke at the Watermelon Festival this year for some fun, fun, fun!  Addison and Luke had so much fun riding the rides!!!

I absolutely adore this face...

this sweet boy was pretty patient watching "the big kids" ride...

he just HAD to try...and got SO close!...

Broughton stared at these balls until finally, the man operating the game felt sorry for him and gave him a football!  This child loves a ball almost as much as he loves food!...

FINALLY, brother's turn to ride!...

...and he LOVED it!...

...looking so growny with her little hands in the air...this did tickle me...

Mindy getting some sugar...


and as if the night wasn't fun enough, we ended it with icees!!!!.....

We are so glad the weather was pretty this year so we could enjoy!!!  We love festivals :)


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