Addison, 2.5 years old!

Addison officially turned 2 and a half on January 26!  I am sitting here trying to rack my brain to think of what new things she can do.  And honestly, I can't think of much that she can't do.  It seems like just yesterday that we were documenting something new nearly every week that she had mastered.  And now, she just seems so grown, like she's past all that.  How did we get to this point?  She was a baby and now she's a little person.  If you have kids, people....don't blink!

She talks almost like an adult now, although her "s-m's" and "s-p's" still sound like "f"'s.  "I need a foon." (I need a spoon).  "He's filing at me." (He's smiling at me).  She also still says "her" when she should say "she".  "What is her doing?"  (What is she doing?).  But other than little things like that, she can pretty much carry on a conversation like an adult, that is when she's not too shy to speak ;)

One new thing Addison has been into recently is gymnastics!  We started her in gymnastics a few weeks ago and she loves it!  She also loves that her school friend, Maggie, is in her gymnastics class!  It is so fun to watch them!  Anna Kate is also in her class, and I am so happy to be able to catch-up with her mommy, Katie.  At her first class, she just wore whatever she had worn to daycare, some soft pants and a long-sleeve t-shirt.  Nearly all of the other little girls had leotards on.  I didn't think anything of it, but when we were putting Addison's shoes on, getting ready to leave, she pointed to one of the little girls and said, "I want to wear that."  Ha!  I found her 3 little leotards on the FB yardsale site.  They are almost too little, but they will do for now.  She is proud of them ;) I took some video and some pictures with my new video camera, but I can't figure out how to get them on my computer, so here are a few not so great pics from my camera phone...

I don't know this instructor's name yet, but I love her!  She is so good with kids!...

 Circle Time-sitting with Maggie...

Addison will finally sit still to watch more than 2 minutes of TV at a time.  This is a good thing, and a bad thing.  I am happy that she is beginning to be interested in some of my old Disney movies.  I used to get so jealous when people posted on their blogs or facebook about watching a movie with their little girls.  I thought Addison would never sit still that long.  But now, she watches Beauty and the Beast like it's her business!  And right now, we are sharing a bowl of popcorn and watching "Guess How Much I Love You" on the Disney Channel.  The boys are asleep, by the way so I am just soaking up this time with my girl!  I have a feeling, though, in the future we will have to limit her TV time.  I'm glad she will sit still, but at the same time I don't want her glued to the TV.  I guess we'll cross that bridge when we get there.

She recently got the last of her baby teeth in (her baby second molars).  When I brush her teeth, she says,"make sure you get the new ones."

Here's a picture of her with her clip-on earrings...(we tricked Daddy and made him think we really got her ears pierced.  It thought it was funnier than Daddy did.  Ha!)

She likes to ride her tricycle.  It seemed like she would never be able to reach the pedals, then all of a sudden one day, she hopped on it and just took off.  That's really pretty much how that went.  Now, if we could just get more pretty days to ride!  *I can hardly wait for spring/summer!!!*  We did get some beautiful, unseasonal weather not too long ago and got to spend a little time outside...

feeding the chickens...

She loves chocolate milk!  We buy original, vanilla, and chocolate almond milk.  If it were up to her she would always drink chocolate, but we try to give her the original, unsweetened and save the chocolate as a "treat".  Sometimes, if we are out of the chocolate, we will give her our vanilla (sweetened) as a treat.  The first time we did that she said, "It feels like chocolate."  She meant to say, "It tastes like chocolate."---which was her way of saying it was good too, and not like that boring unsweetened mess we always give her.  Ha!  It was so cute when she said that that we kept on saying it and forget sometimes how silly we must sound...."Addison, we are out of chocolate.  Do you want some of the "feels like chocolate" kind?  Ha!

Random picture of ALB & LAD:

She recently had a horrible ear infection (at the same time Broughton had his).  Her left ear drained for about a week and a half.  I thought, "great, her tubes are still working."  And then, it started smelling bad so we took her to the Dr.  Her tubes were still in place but she had an infection.  Thankfully, the antibiotics and drops took care of it and all is well now!  Here are a couple of pitiful pictures from when she was sick...

fell asleep right on the floor...(she NEVER does this)...

She weighs about 30 lbs and wears 2T pants and 2T-3Tshirts.  She wears size 7 shoes.  I don't remember the last time she wore a pull-up.  It has been months.  She has a random accident every once in a blue moon-almost always when she is busy playing, but hasn't had an accident at night in a long time.  Thank-you, Jesus!  

She loves to paint, draw, and color...

She loves to dance...

She loves to be silly...

Here, she said,"Take a picture of me sleeping."  and then she pretended to be asleep.  Silly girl...

 She loves her "boys"...

She is so affectionate.  She was not a snuggly baby, but she has made up for that recently.  She loves to give hugs and kisses and "get all cozy".  She also LOVES her brother!!! 

Look how many toys she got out for him the other day...

Both of them snuggling and watching TV (thankfully, Broughton IS a snuggly baby!)...

I think she will eventually start getting on his nerves with all the kisses, but so far, he doesn't usually mind.  He thinks she is the coolest thing in the world right now...

Reading him a book...

Just rubbing his sweet!

 She still isn't a fan of loud noises...

She likes to pretend.  She pretends with her dolls and with her kitchen stuff the most.  Here she is with her baby doll, Charlie.  They are wearing their matching jammies that the Dentons gave her for Chirstmas...

Her hair has gotten so long.  Mindy and Michelle think I should give her a little bob cut, but I think right now, I'll just get it trimmed.  I'm not ready for her to look older yet-I think that haircut will do that.  Shelly gave her a french braid not long ago and she was so proud...

She loves babies!  Not only her little brother, but all babies!  Broughton's teachers always joke that they  wish they could hire her to come make the babies smile every day.  She goes right in to Broughton's room when we drop him off or when we're picking him up and starts playing with the babies.  If one is crying, she makes them stop in an instant.  She loves to take them toys and she just talks to them  so sweet!  Adam says she needs to do something with kids when she grows up because she is such a natural with babies.  I'm thinking maybe a pediatrician!  Hee Hee ;)

 It is so much fun watching Addison grow and learn each day.  I am so proud to be her mommy!  Words cannot express the love that I have for this sweet, sweet little girl!  May God protect her and guide her all of her days!  


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