5 Months Old!

 My sweet little blue-eyed boy is 5 months old!  
Unfortunately, his cold never completely went away, and it has actually been worse in the last week.  We took him and Addison to the after hours clinic last Friday because they were both running a low grade fever.  We just wanted to make sure they didn't have ear infections or anything like that.  Thankfully, their ears and throats looked fine.  They just have a nasty cold with a nasty cough and horrible congestion.  I can hardly wait for them to feel better!  I think all the babies in Broughton's class have similar symptoms.  Poor babies!
Because of his little cold, he hasn't been drinking nearly as much.  He has 4-5 bottles per day and on a healthy day, he drinks about 6-7 ounces at each feeding.  He has been really interested in our food recently.  It is funny the way he stares at your food!  So, we tried rice cereal the night before last and I think he liked it!  We gave him some more last night and he ate it all up!

In this picture, you can kind-of see the rice cereal all in his hair.  Boy did we make a mess!  You can also see that he "helps" hold his bottle...  :)

I was glad to get some more food in him since he hasn't been drinking well.  It's not like he's frail or anything though...he is a big boy!  He is wearing size 6-9m clothes, size 1 shoes and size 3 diapers.  I really think he will be sitting up soon.  He is able to sit up for a few seconds by himself now before falling.  He hasn't been spitting up as much lately, but has been chewing and slobbering on everything!  Addison is still his favorite thing in the world.  He gives her smiles like you wouldn't believe and it just lights her up!  I absolutely love it!

Here is a picture of him fast asleep on the floor in her room...with his thumb in his mouth.  

Every now and then he'll put his thumb in his mouth, but he usually just sucks on the side of his hand.  He has never been much into his paci, and these days you can't get him to take it at all.  One less thing to worry about later, I guess.  He normally sleeps 9-10 hours straight at night, but he woke up for a couple of hours last night and had a few ounces of milk...poor thing!  He still likes to play in his jumper and enjoys bath time. 
He has really been into the TV lately too!  He will stare at it in amazement for a long time if you let him.  We rarely put him in his little bouncy seat anymore because he just rolls over in it nearly every time you put him there, and it looks extremely uncomfortable!  He normally sleeps on his tummy, but for the last couple of nights, we have let him sleep in the car seat and in the swing so he would be upright and breathing easier.  I can hardly believe he is five months old!  He is such a sweet baby and has really made our family feel complete.  We are blessed beyond measure!  


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