19 months

Addison turned 19 months old on February 26.  She had her 18 month check up not too long before that, on February 17.  At that appointment, she weighed 25 pounds (57.77%), and was 2'8.5" tall (69.06%). 

She recently had another ear infection, and the appointment was made to place tubes in her ears.  This makes me sad and ofcourse a little nervous, but I feel that it is safer to place tubes in her ears (although MUCH MORE EXPENSIVE) than to continuously give her antibiotics.....which I dispise!  So, it has been set...please pray that everything goes smoothly, as I trust that it will.  So, what has little Addison been up to lately?  Well, she does pretty well counting to 10.  She doesn't always get it exactly right, but she certainly is learning!  She has been doing great using the potty at school.  She is always so excited about showing me her stickers that she gets for using the potty. 

She is pretty much addicted to elmo!  She also likes Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, but elmo is definitely her favorite!  She is starting to sing more words to several songs.  She likes to tell the poor doggies, "No, no, no, no, no!"  She wakes up every morning with a smile that is just contagious!

We love you, sweet baby girl! 


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