Fair Fun

Me, Mindy, Michelle, my cousin, Allen, and all the kiddos went to the Pitt County Fair for some fun, fun, fun. We started out by checking out the animals. Addison was very interested in the animals until a cow "moo'd" really loud 2 feet from her face. She immediately went into freak out mode, started crying and reaching for her cousin Allen. The funny thing is, I was holding her...but that cow was BIG...and she knew her big cousin, Allen, had a better chance of taking on that cow than her mama did! (Allen is like 10 feet taller than me....ha). It was so sweet!

As soon as Allen took her, she stopped crying and was fine. I love that she does this! If she is ever scared, she wants her Daddy (or another male if her dad isn't there)...to protect her. If she is ever hurt, she wants her Mommy(or Grandmas, or Aunt, etc)...to comfort her. That's why God made Mommies and Daddies, Men and Women! Isn't God brilliant?!!!
Addison and Luke had fun running around at the fair...

Addison "pushing" Connor in Luke's stroller...

 Luke's first ride...

Landon, Peyton, and Connor...

Addison's fist ride...

 All the kids loved the fishing game...they all won swords...

Addison with her prizes and her sleepy eyes...

Next stop, the pumpking patch!!!  I can hardly wait.  I just love this time of year!!!


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