First Day of Daycare

Addison had her first day of daycare on Tuesday.  I swear I feel like she's just too little to go to daycare, but we gotta do what we gotta do :(  Luckily, we take her to a place that is familiar.  Three of my nephews go to the same daycare, Bright Beginnings, and my other nephew graduated from there this past year.  It is only a mile or so down the road so at least we are close. 

Adam taking her in:

I really like her teacher, Ms Amanda.  You can tell that she just loves them babies!  Here is a picture of Addison and Amanda on her first day, September 07, 2010...

There are 3 other babies in her class.  Her cousin, Luke, is one of the three.  They are going to be buddies!

The baby roster:

Avery was not there on the first day so I didn't get a picture of him, but here is a picture of Luke and Maddyson:

They are going to have so much fun growing and learning together!  God bless them babies!!


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