The best of times

I still have a lot of catching up to do with photos, but for now, I just feel like writing about today...

We have struggled with bedtime pretty much since we changed Addison's crib into a toddler bed.  To make a long story short, they have been sleeping with us in our bed for a few weeks now as we have converted Addison's room into "Addison and Broughton's room".  Last night was the first night that Addison has gone to sleep in a bed in her own room, knowing that Mama and Daddy were not going to sleep with her.  It was not easy.  She tried to be tough...fought back tears as she reminded herself "I know I'm safe and Brought Brought is here and Jesus is here."  But eventually, the tears broke through..."I feel better when you're here, mama."  Talk about tugging at my heart strings!  Thankfully, it was just dark enough that she couldn't see that I was crying with her.  I wanted to pick her up...and Broughton... and put them in my bed so bad!  Instead, I stood there and held her hand until she fell asleep...all the while, Broughton had fallen fast asleep.  I went to bed and Adam and I talked about how much we already missed them in our bed.  Then at about 3:00 am, here came little man climbing in our bed...."I wanna sleep with you."  Reluctantly, I put him back in his bed..."hold my hand, mommy."  I've been holding his hand as he falls asleep ever since he's gone from his crib to toddler bed.  I held his hand, he fell asleep, I let go, he woke up, "hold my hand mommy."  Man, this is sooooo hard!  He did finally go to sleep again at 3:45 and didn't want to get up when I went in there to wake them this morning.  I can't believe it...somehow, some way, both of my kids slept in their room!  I am excited that this will make my life easier....but I'm crying as I type this....knowing that my babies are no longer babies...and knowing that these are truly the best of times.  Although you get older and bigger each day, sweet angels, you will always be my babies.


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