Going back a bit - phone pics from December 13 and January 14

I have had trouble getting pictures from my phone onto my computer for FOREVER...(still can't figure out how to transfer videos).  Well, Adam got me a new phone for Christmas and I'm finally figuring it out.  Just wanted to add some pictures to my blog from my phone, since this blog is my virtual photo album...so here goes...


 playing with her princess set she got for Christmas...

Curlers!  (unfortunately, these didn't work very well)...

 Sleepy babies...

...and a sleepy Daddy...

Me and my love!...

 Finally got a warm enough day to jump on the trampoline a little bit...

 Took these cutie-patooties to see FROZEN!!!

and then to Chickfila, of course!

Daddy and brother met us at Chickfila...I had to climb in the play place to get little stinker to come down...

We spent New Year's even at our friends', Lorie and Jimmy's house...
Addison and Karly:

brother slept in the truck the whole time :)  

looking cute, headed to Lorie and Jimmy's wedding...

Celebrating Pa's birthday...

A few random pics:

 hanging with the boys...

planking at school LOL!!!!!!...

baby girl's room...

a "to-do" list i found of adam's.  i love this list for so many reasons <3 ...="" :="" ammo="" and="" b="" blogs="" c="" do...="" favorite="" for="" i="" is="" just="" love="" me="" my="" one="" p="" pray="" print="" s="" that="">


 watching the big girls...

 Selfies :)


so handsome...

 and so silly...

my audience in the bathroom, lol

so very SWEET...she was resting her head on his chest to watch TV while he was sleeping...

One of our many "arc" projects...

 sleeping good!...

ready for some snow...

 trying on some plat...

 the boys...

One of our favorite after church spots...Pizza Inn


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