September "photo album"

Here we are at the end of November, and I am just getting around to posting September photos.  This blog will have very little words…just trying to catch up with my photos…so here goes…

Picture Day at ODMCDC 

hanging with the boys...

trying to figure this thing out...

popsicles, cousins, and a trampoline...

Sweet Caroline...

Addison and Aunt Shelly...

making a mess, as usual...

Me and my girl...

little pirate...


My two…just looking precious on the porch swing...

Modeling her first Mommy-made "Addison Leigh" dress...

another mommy-made :)  ...

sweet babies...

my boys...

This picture is so Broughton…"but I couldn't quite reach the cords from the floor"

looking all bored…but still cute ;)

sharing cotton candy <3 p="">

another "Addison Leigh" dress...

checking on the tobacco...

Addison and the love of her life...

playing on Pa's lawn mower...

and another "Addison Leigh"...

So stinkin' cute...

Enjoying the weather...

Broughton and his ball...

Why's Luke cryin'?  Cause he just got dunked on!  (That was for you, Mindy and Michelle.  ha!)

handsome little Luke...

sweet boy...

My little hippie chick...

beautiful, just beautiful...

Now, maybe I'll get October done before the end of the year...


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