Broughton 11 Months

I am a little late, considering Broughton will be one year old in less than two weeks!   Crazy!  But as of now, he is 11 months old!  At 11 months, he is about 24 pounds and wears size 12-18m clothes.

He is starting to walk!  He doesn't like to hold onto your fingers like Addison did.  He will stand, take a few steps and then usually lose his balance and fall to his butt after 3 or 4 steps (sometimes more).  He almost always sleeps through the night again!  Yay!!!!  He has 6 teeth....4 on top, 2 on the bottom.

He says DaDa, sometimes Mama, ball, fish, quack quack, dog, bye-bye, and he calls Addison either Addis or Assin :)  He can climb up stairs almost faster than I can.  He is a very sweet soul.  He loves his sister!  He is a human garbage disposal...will eat any and everything (no allergies that we are aware of, thank God).

And most notably, he is a HANDFULL!!!!  Most people say their almost one year olds are "into everything"...but he takes being "into everything" to a whole new level!  You CANNOT take your eyes off of him for one second...unless you don't mind him completely destroying something...doesn't matter what.

He is very sweet, and calm, but yet somehow he is totally destructive.  It's hard to describe.  I wouldn't say he's hyper.  In fact, he can be very laid back.  And his "nature" is calm.  But he is just heavy-handed.  He doesn't get mad much...he just happily and calmly destroys things.  Ha!  Like I said, It's hard to describe.

Anyways, our little family is totally in love with him, no matter what he tears up!  He is such a joy and we are so blessed to have this healthy, happy boy in our lives!  Happy 11 months, Brother!!!


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