Broughton, 8 months old

Broughton turned 8 months old on February 20.  The last month has been very eventful for Broughton. First of all, he started crawling like a pro just after turning 7 months old.

Now he is pulling up on everything and "thinking" about walking...I would say that he is far from walking on his own, but at the rate he is going, he could be walking in a month or so.  I'm not so sure if I'm ready for all that!

He still has 4-5 6-ounce bottles of breastmilk/formula mix per day.  He has stage 2 or stage 3 baby food 3-4 times/day, and he LOVES puffs!  It didn't take him long to figure those out!

He does pretty good eating out of the little pouches, which is great when we're in a hurry...

He still has just the two teeth at the bottom, but I think I can feel a couple more down there preparing to make their grand appearance.

His eyes are still a beautiful blue!

He is the snuggliest baby I have ever seen in my life!  He loves bath time and still loves his jumper.  He likes music and gets EXCITED about Mickey Mouse.  He has started playing in "Addison's old bottom drawer"...

He likes to play with Addison's kitchen.

He has always been a great sleeper, but for the last week and a half or so, he has been waking up in the middle of the night for an extra bottle.  Not cool!  I am hoping it has to do with all the mess he has been going through...I mentioned in his 7 month post that we would be taking him to get his 6 month shots soon.  Well, he still hasn't gotten them.  Shortly after his round of antibiotics (amoxicillin) ended, his pink eye returned, this time in both eyes....and his ear infection returned, this time in both ears.  His Dr decided to give him Augmentin this time.  On the 7th day of that medication, he broke out in a rash.  We took him to the Dr and they (his pediatrician and a dermatologist) were pretty sure he was having an allergic reaction to his medication.  Poor baby!  This is what he looked like that night.

This was actually an improvement from that morning.  So, even though the Dr warned us it could get worse before it got better, I was heartbroken when I picked him up from daycare the next day, and he looked like this...

Thankfully, he never acted like any of it bothered him, except for the two spots on the top of each of his ears.  By the grace of God, this is what he looked like on the 3rd day...

Needless to say, he will not be having any kind of penicillin again.  By the way, Adam is also allergic to penicillin, so I am hopeful that he is just trying to be like his daddy and that there will be no more allergies!

I'm not sure what Broughton weighs now, but he wears mostly size 12m and still a size 3 diaper.  He does not look or act like a baby at all.  Everyone agrees that he looks much older than 8 months.  He just went from baby to little boy seemingly overnight.  I bet most people say that about their kids, but it is so true of Broughton!  Sometimes he just looks so grown!

Unfortunately, he still spits up like a baby, though.  His Dr thinks that once he starts eating real, solid foods, his acid reflux issue will get better and he will not spit-up so much.  Here's hoping!

We had beautiful weather this past Sunday and Broughton had so much fun playing outside with his sister!  This was his first time riding in this little car.  Addison always loved this car...and still does.  It's hard to believe she's big enough to push her brother in it now!

 He LOVES dogs!  Unfortunately, he had an obvious allergic reaction at Aunt Shelly's house after pretty much wallering all over her dog.  Thankfully, a little Zyrtec took care of it in a matter of 15 minutes.  So far, he hasn't had a reaction to Griffon or Sadie.

He truly adores his sister and she just loves him to pieces as well!  I cannot express how happy and proud this makes me!  Forgive me for posting so many pictures, but these are all so precious to me and I want to be able to look back at each and every one, so here goes....some oh so sweet pictures of my two babies...

Happy 8 months, Broughton Adam Beaman!!!


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