
Showing posts from July, 2011

Beach Fun Part III

Fun with the boys at the beach... Putt-Putt at the beach: 

Look Who's One!

July 26, 2011...Addison's FIRST BIRTHDAY!!!  I don't even know what to say.  There are so many things I have thought about writing for this blog, but right now all I can think to say is THANK YOU JESUS for choosing Adam and myself to watch over your precious baby Addison Leigh!  And THANK YOU JESUS for the blessing that she continues to be each and every day to so many people! I just can't believe it has been a whole year since we were at the hospital welcoming our new baby to the world.  And now here she is standing all by herself... She's still not walking on her own, but has been doing the bear walk a lot lately... She wears 12-18 month clothes, size 3-4 diapers, and size 3 shoes.  She started drinking big girl milk (soy milk) a couple of days ago, so no more formula!  She is still a GREAT eater!  And she still will let the whole world know if her belly is hungry!  She still LOVES to dance more than anything in the world!  She added a new word to her "vocabu

Beach Fun Part II

Unfortunately, Adam had to leave Tues morning to work for a few days before coming back to the beach.  Addison and I decided to make one of those days a "Mommy & Me" day at the Aquarium... I love how you can see her little red head at the bottom of this pic looking at the otters: And you can see her reflection in the glass here.  She was trying to figure them turtles out! It looks like this fish was looking into the camera! Addison loved this big turtle: We enjoyed our Mommy and Me adventure, but we sure missed Daddy!

Beach Fun Part I

Every year during the week of the 4th, Jane-Jane and Gerald rent a cottage at Emerald Isle and are gracious enough to invite all the children and grandchildren to join in the fun!  This year Addison and I were able to stay the entire week and we had SO much fun!  I learned quickly, though, that a vacation with a baby is a different thing entirely than a vacation without a baby.  Although it was a lot of work, it was a lot more fun! Addison loved the beach!  This was her first time seeing the ocean.  She had fun playing with her DaDa... She played so hard and got sooo sleepy... As a matter of fact, she slept far more when we were at the beach than she normally does!  Here are a few pictures of her asleep in the stroller after our morning jogs... Addison also had fun playing in the pool with her cousins!  My mom always has the week of the 4th off.  Her and my sisters, Mindy and Michelle, and Mindy's mother-in-law, Mrs. Shirley rented a condo about a mile and a half from wh